Your hair almost directly reflects who you are, so if you start to develop hair problems it can be very stressful. Beautiful hair does not just happen it takes hard work, careful planning and good vitamins. Your diet plays a huge role in your hairs development, growth and overall health.
Things like free radicals can wear on your hair leading to breakage and slow growth, this can be very harmful to healthy hair. Vitamins like C, A and E can help fight these free radicals and keep your hair healthy and full of life, this means faster growth and more strength. So the next time you see a piece of fruit don't pass it up, your hair will thank you. The food you eat can also directly affect your scalp like the amounts of oil it produces or blood flow to the root of the hair, so try to avoid fried foods and eat plenty of vegetables.
Overall the most important vitamin for your hair to keep up proper health is Vitamin B, there are 13 different vitamin B's in total. It is great for your hair, skin and nails, it help make them more healthy. It helps control the building, development and growth of proteins that create hair, which means stronger hair. It has also been shown to help your hair grey slower, while retaining more volume.
Other things like silica, iodine and folic acid help your hair too, these minerals are very important. Certain amino acids help in hair development and overall strand strength as well, stronger hair means less breaks. Iodine can help you keep moisture longer, moisture is key when it comes to health. Zinc helps regulate the oils in your scalp, which is important over oily glands can clog the scalp causing the scalp to become unhealthy. Many of the minerals act as building block supplements to help you develop stronger protein bonds, this means strong faster growing hair.
Once this happens you will be stronger have more volume and style much easier, your hair will also look and feel better. When looking for a healthy scalp the process could take time, which is to be expected. Normally you start to see changes in your hair around 3 to 4 weeks with the best results coming after 6 weeks, but it really depends on the person. Eating healthy while taking vitamins will improve your chances of success, so keep this in mind.
Taking care of yourself does take time, but with the proper diet and hair vitamins your should be able to get the gorgeous look in as little as a few months. A proper diet and exercise does help but is not required, so you will have to find what works for you. Once you get the style you have always dreamed about you will look and feel like a different person.